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EBSCO Mobile App: Reading Articles on the EBSCO Mobile App

To read articles on the EBSCO Mobile App:

  1. On the article screen, select to Read More of the abstract, or scroll down to view the article Details (article citation information).

    Tap Read Now (full text of the article, when available).

    Note: The Read Now option will not appear when full text for the article is not available.

  2. When you select to read the full text, select from the formats available to you.


Liking Articles on the EBSCO Mobile App

When you are logged in to the app using the Find My Organization option, Liked articles are saved until your log in expires or you log out of the app. Once you are no longer logged in, Liked articles are removed.

When you are logged in to the EBSCO Mobile app with your personal user account, articles that are Liked in the app are also saved to your personal My EBSCOhost folder and are available from anywhere you log into EBSCOhost.

To Like articles on the EBSCO Mobile App:

  1. From an article page or the result list, tap the Like icon.

  2. The article is saved and the icon changes to a solid color.

  3. If you wish to remove the article from your Liked articles, simply tap the icon again.

Viewing Your Liked Articles in the App

To view your Liked articles:

  1. Tap the Likes icon at the bottom of the screen to view your Saved articles.

  2. Tap an article title on the Liked items tab of the Dashboard to read it.

    Liked Items tab of Dashboard screen


University of Zululand Library Guides