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EBSCO Mobile App: Get Started

How do I log in to the EBSCO App?

After opening the EBSCO App, use the Find my Library feature to sign in with your institutional credentials. If you need these credentials, please see your administrator to get them.

Note: If your institution has configured IP authentication AND you are using your device within your institution's IP range, you will be “silently” logged in to the app without needing to enter login credentials.

In addition, if your institution is setup for a third-party login (including institutional Single Sign-On, OpenAthens, Shibboleth, or Proxy), instead of being take to the EBSCO login screen you will be prompted to login with the associated third-party login screen.

If you have previously created a Personal User Account for accessing EBSCOhost/EBSCO Discovery Service, you can use that to log in to the app. When you log into the app with your personal user credentials, any articles you save in the app are automatically saved to your personal folder.

You only need to log in to the app once. The app remembers your login credentials and you are automatically authenticated for future sessions.

Note: If you log in with institutional credentials, you can create your own Personal User Account from within the app.

To log in to the EBSCO Mobile App:

  1. Open the App and tap Get Started.

  2. Tap the search box to find your library or tap Use my location to find a library near your physical location.

  3. Select your institution from the list and click Next.

    If you are unable to find or sign-in to your library institution, please choose EBSCO Open Search from the institution list and follow the prompt to start using the app.

    Note: When users of Apple devices select a library from the list, the following message is displayed: “ebscomobile” Wants to Use “” to Sign In. This allows the app and website to share information about you.

    This message is native to iOS when an app transitions to a web browser to prompt for user login. The EBSCO Mobile app is not capturing personal information when it transitions to a web browser for the purposes of logging you into the app.

  4. Tap Continue to allow the app to continue to sign you in.

  5. Log in via the method provided by your institution. (User Name/Password, Patron ID, etc.)


    If you have already created a personal user account, you can sign in with your personal account credentials.

Note: If your institution uses a log in method that doesn't allow you to enter your personal account ID and password (for example: Patron ID), sign in to the app with your institutional credentials and then tap the Account icon  at the bottom of the screen  and the tap the Sign in to EBSCO link.

If you have already created a personal user account with your Google account, tap the Sign in with Google button and follow the prompts to log in.