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EBSCO Mobile App: Mobile App Home Screen

The Home Screen

After logging in to the EBSCO Mobile App, you see the Home screen. You can return to the Home screen at any time by tapping the  icon in the menu at the bottom of the screen.

From the EBSCO Mobile App Home screen:

  • Start Searching: The first time you log into the app, tap Start a Search in the Welcome area to get started.

  • Recently viewed: Swipe to the left to see the articles you have recently viewed while using the app. Tap an article to view it again.  

  • Discover recent subjects: Tap a subject in the Discover recent subjects area to execute a search of articles related to that subject. Subjects in this area are displayed based on articles you have viewed while using the app. 

Searching the EBSCO Mobile App

To search the EBSCO Mobile App:

  1. Tap the Magnifying Glass in the menu at the bottom of the screen to access the Search screen.

  2. Enter your search terms in the Search Box. As you type, the app suggests search terms you can tap to quickly run a search.

  3. Tap a filter (Peer ReviewedFull TextDate Range) to apply it to your search.

    Search box in mobile app

    Note: After running your search, the Source Type filter is also available below the search box.

  4. Tap Search on your device's keyboard to run the search.

  5. Your results are displayed. Tap an article or book title to see the details and read the full text, when available.

    You can also long-press on any result (excluding eBooks) to access the full-text viewing options without having to navigate to the article detail page.

    Mobile app results screen