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Communication Science: Reference Sources

Welcome to Communication Science guide

What are Reference Management Tools

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Reference management tools allow you to store and manage the references that you gather in the course of your research. All of the reference management tools (which UNIZULU uses) mentioned on this page share the following common features:

  • Add references manually, or by importing a PDF or a reference from a database
  • Organize your references into groups or folders
  • Share your references with other people
  • Create a reference list in a chosen referencing style
  • Insert in-text references while writing in Microsoft Word in a chosen referencing style (Write and Cite)

For more information contact:

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science


Location  2nd Floor

Tel.    0359026688

UNIZULU's Electronic reference sources

How to Install EndNote

UNIZULU Print Reference Sources (Communication Science}

University of Zululand Library Guides