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Introduction to Law: Reference Sources

Welcome, this libguide is designed for UNIZULU Law students, it will assist them navigate Law Resources with ease.

What is a reference source

Reference materials are various sources (e.g. dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, handbooks, indexes, etc.) that provide background information or quick facts on any given topic.

Reference sources can be general or specialized (available in print and/or electronic formats) and cannot be checked out of the library.

For Legal References we have some of the following:Image result for law reference sources"

Online Reference Sources

UNIZULU Legal Reference Sources

UniZulu Reference Sources are kept in the Law Section and are used as reference sources that means you cannot take them out of the library. We have amongst many the following: 

 - A dictionary of law 

 - The Britannica Yearbook of International Law

 - The Canadian Yearbook of International Law commission.

 - Yearbook United Nations

 - Constitutional Law of South Africa

 - Code of International Labor Law

 - Encyclopedia Discrimination and Violence

 - Encyclopedia Health and Safety at Work

 - South African Criminal Law \nd Procedure

 - Guide of Companies Act

 - Law Books and Serials in Print

 - Oxford Dictionary Law

 - Words and Phrases legally destined

University of Zululand Library Guides