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Recreation and Tourism: EndNote

Welcome to the guide of Tourism and Recreation

What is EndNote


  • EndNote is a reference management software that helps you organize, store, and format citations and bibliographies.
  • Uses for academic research, writing papers, dissertations, and organizing citations.

How to download EndNote21

Download and Installation Steps:

  • Go to the UNIZULU library website.
  • Navigate to Research Support Tool then click the EndNote link
  • Download the installer
  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions

Creating an EndNote Library

  • Step-by-Step
  • After installation, open EndNote
  • Go to FileNew.
  • Name your library and choose where to save it.
  • Click Save to create "My EndNote Library"

Adding References Manually Import and Export from Databases

  • Manual Entry:
  • Click ReferencesNew Reference.
  • Select the reference type (e.g., book, journal article, etc.).
  • Manually enter the details (author, title, year, etc.).
  • Click Save.
  • Importing from Databases:

Search databases like Web of Science, or Google Scholar.

  • Export references in RIS, BibTeX, or EndNote format.
  • In EndNote, click FileImportFile to bring them in.

Using Online Search

  • Direct Search: EndNote allows you to search databases directly within the software.
    1. Go to Online Search from the toolbar.
    2. Choose a database (e.g., JStore, Web of Science).
    3. Enter your search query and import relevant references directly.

Citing in Microsoft Word

Citing in Microsoft Word (Cite While You Write)

Install the Plugin:

  • ​​​​​​​Automatically installed with EndNote; if not, go to ToolsInstall Cite While You Write.
  • Inserting Citations:
  • Open your Word document.
  • Go to the EndNote toolbar in Word.
  • Click Insert Citation and select a reference from your EndNote library.
  • Formatting Bibliographies:
  • Choose from various citation styles (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.).
  • Go to BibliographyStyle and select your preferred format.

Customizing Citation Styles

Using Existing Styles:

  • Over 6,000 citation styles are available.
  • Go to EditOutput StylesOpen Style Manager.
  • Choose a style and apply it.
  • Creating Custom Styles:
  • Go to EditOutput StylesNew Style.
  • Modify fields like punctuation, formatting, and bibliography order.

Collaboration in EndNote

  1. Syncing with EndNote Online:
  • Create an EndNote online account.
  • Go to EditPreferencesSync.
  • Sync your desktop library with your online account.

Sharing Libraries:​​​​​​​

  • Go to FileShare.
  • Invite collaborators via email to access your library.
  • Use EndNote Online for real-time collaboration.

Organizing References and Managing PDFs

Organizing References

Creating Groups:

  • Go to GroupsCreate Group.
  • Name your group (e.g., Chapter 1, Research Topic).
  • Drag and drop references into your group
  • Smart Groups: Automatically filter references into a group based on keywords or criteria.
  • Go to GroupsCreate Smart Group and set rules.
  •  Managing PDFs
  • Attaching PDFs:
  • Drag and drop a PDF directly into a reference.
  • Or, right-click on a reference and choose Attach File.
  • Annotating PDFs:
  • Open the PDF within EndNote.
  • Use the built-in tools to highlight text or add notes for future reference.
University of Zululand Library Guides