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Arts and Languages Education : Books

Welcome, the guide will help students to easily access information related to Arts and Languages Education

Searching books

Enter the address:

  1. Type a search term or phrase in the “Quick Search” box
  2. Select one of the options to narrow your search from the drop down box by clicking on the:
  3. Word or phrase
  4. Author
  5. Title
  6. Subject
  7. Series
  8. Periodical title
  10. Click search
  11. Click on the Title to view more information about the item.
  12. Locate the call number at the bottom of the newly opened window (e.g. 346.68052 DEW) It shows where the item can be found on the shelf
  13. Please contact your Faculty Librarian  for further training

Open Access Books

Image result for open access logo

Open access refers to the practice of making peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone interested in reading it. It is simply making research available for others to read without having to pay for it.

New books available

How search for e-books

  1. Enter the address:
  2. Select: Advanced Search
  3. Type a search term or phrase in the “Advanced Search” box
  4. Select one of the options to narrow your search from the drop down box by clicking on the:
  5. Word or phrase
  6. Author
  7. Title
  8. Subject
  9. Series
  10. Periodical title
  11. ISB/ISSN
  12. At the bottom Select Item format and choose Electronic Book
  13. Click search
  14. Click on the Title to view more information about the item.
  15. Locate the URL at the bottom of the newly opened window and click on it. It will take you the the electronic version of the book. 
  16. How you access the book depends on the subscription model used.


Please contact your Faculty Librarian  for further training

Ms Fikile Gina on 035 9026469


University of Zululand Library Guides