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LibKey & BrowZine: LibKey Nomad

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad LibKey Nomad automatically provides instant links to articles from journals subscribed to by your library – and Open Access sources – connecting you to literature discovered on the web.  LibKey Nomad works with your library to determines the fastest path to content across thousands of publishers and millions of articles.  LibKey Nomad also adds in-line enhancements to popular sites like PubMed, Wikipedia, Scopus, Web of Science and more.

LibKey Nomad - access to scholarly articles - University of BorĂ¥s

How do I install LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad supports Chrome (the world's most popular browser) as well as FirefoxSafariMicrosoft EdgeBrave and Vivaldi.

Installation in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Brave & Vivaldi is simple!  Just visit and click the icon for your browser.  Your browser will then ask you to confirm.  Choose your institution at the resulting LibKey interface and you are all set!

The UNIZULU library subscribes to LibKey Suite which means LibKey Nomad is turned on automatically.  The LibKey Nomad connects the user to the link resolver/ILL/Document Delivery system when it comes across an article the user is interested in not in your holdings.

LibKey Nomad Overview

University of Zululand Library Guides