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General Linguistics & Modern Languages: EBSCO Discovery Services

Welcome to General Linguistics and Modern Languages guide, that will assist you on how to access library facilities, services and its resources

What is EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS) ?

EDS is the tool that allows UNIZULU library users to search all the library collections at one go. It functions more like Google, but only for academic resources and content. EDS searches collections from: the library catalog, electronic databases, thesis and dissertations and UNIZULU special collections. 

Search using EBSCO Discovery Services

Log on to the University of Zululand library web page on

  • Scroll down to reach the Discovery search Box..
  • Type your search using the search index: KEYWORD, AUTHOR OR TITLE

Ebsco Discovery Service is an online all-inclusive search.
How to search EDS
1. Enter the address:
2. Type a search term or phrase in the “Start your Search” box
3. Select one of the options to narrow your search from the dropdown box by clicking on the:
Keyword, Author, Title
4. Click search
You can also do an Advanced Search where you can use your keywords and separate them by AND/OR/NOT
Please contact your Faculty Librarian for further training

Off-Campus access

University of Zululand Library Guides